Tournament Rules


  • When you catch a fish CALL 859-200-8342 and say “FISH ON” and tell us what lake you’re on

  • Leave the hook in the fish’s mouth until an employee directs you to remove it. If the hook is not in the mouth when an employee arrives, the fish will NOT count.

  • DO NOT cast over halfway across the lake, cast straight out in front of you.

  • HOLD the fish in the net, in the water until an employee arrives.

  • BE RESPECTFUL to employees and other fishermen

  • NO profanity

  • NO drugs or alcohol

  • You can set the hook and hold the rod for someone if they are away from their rod. You CAN NOT reel the fish in, if you do, the fish will not count due to the two-pole limit.

  • Tournaments MAY BE restricted to a one-pole limit if needed.

  • Release fish with your net. DO NOT throw fish into the water or release it with your hands.

  • NO bait fishing – catfishing only.

  • NO stainless steel hooks, treble hooks, or steel leaders.

  • Keep fish on the ground for pictures – DO NOT pick up!

  • ALL fish must be netted no matter the size.

  • DO NOT pick up fish without a net.

  • Fish can be weighed in after the tournament’s scheduled end-time ONLY if the fish was hooked before the end-time.

  • NO refunds.